Waumba Land

babies through prek

Waumba Land
Waumba Land

Sundays: 9:00am & 10:30am

We are helping preschoolers discover God in a fun and engaging way!

Waumba Land and Waumba Land Clubhouse are our weekly environments that meet during both Sunday services.

We know things are busy at this stage of life and your children are learning and growing in amazing ways. We believe in an active, hands-on approach to learning, so you can plan on a lot of jumping, singing, dancing, and laughter in every experience. Be on the lookout for fun crafts and big games.

We hope that your child will learn that

  1. God MADE me
  2. God LOVES me
  3. Jesus wants to be my FRIEND forever

You can check-in your little one at the Check-In Station located in the front lobby.

Sunday, April 13th
Sunday, April 13th


Join us for a Special Sunday as our TWC Kids Ministry and Waumba Land Clubhouse celebrate our risen Savior with games, prizes, songs, and a message about Jesus during both the 9 and 10:30 services for 5 years – 5th grade.

Stay up to date with everything that's happening!